Thursday, February 5, 2015

A Beginning

Hello everyone, and happy February!

I call the state of Maine my home which means that I’ve seen about three feet of snowfall in as many weeks. While some were waiting on the edge of their seats in anticipation of Punxsutawney Phil’s declaration of seasons, I had a pretty good idea of what the next six weeks will bring. At least in terms of the weather. Personally speaking, I would love any manner of forecast.

There are a few things I can foresee: For the next month I will have a roof over my head (hooray for making rent). On Sunday I am venturing out to a local animal shelter to begin the next stage of my life as a cat lady. Other than that, I know very little about the future, though I can likely rely on some basic assumptions: I’ll don an apron and serve some steaks, spend a few mornings at the gym, drink wine, beer, and eat at all of the Thai establishments within a stone’s throw of my apartment.

I will also, I sincerely hope, continue to write.

Though I am paid for my expertise in the art of customer service and carrying trays of food and beverages without spilling on myself or others, I am an aspiring writer. Lately, however, I have proven myself unworthy of the title by abstaining from anything to do with the creative process. Writing is a discipline, as an undisclosed number of instructors insisted while I was a student stubbornly enamored by the romantic view of a typewriter, bottle of wine, and manuscript that would undoubtedly pay for years of travel and (classy) debauchery. I can begrudgingly admit I should have listened.

I will likely divulge far too much information at a later time, but for now let’s simply say that I have fallen into a rut and it is well past due for me to claw my way out. At this time there is no master plan, not even a post-it note with some scribbled plans, but I do know that I need to reclaim my voice and relocate my passion.

This blog is my attempt to do just that.

I’m not sure what I will write about – whims and fancies, my fascination with all things food and health, books, places that I miss on a daily basis – but I will try to promise variety, color, and enthusiasm.

This is simply an introduction, a cover letter, as it were. In the coming weeks I’ll shed more light on myself, the origins of Edgar, and some of the more entertaining aspects of life. But for now I look forward to rediscovering vitality (an element sometimes elusive in the cold months of winter), exploring interests – both latent and obsessive, and hopefully rekindling some old lost loves.

Thank you for reading thus far. Hopefully I see you again soon. 

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